Release Notes
20180112 Release 41.2 maprun (Android) 7.0.1 maprun (iOS)
maprun becomes the main App for participants in events:
MapRun is now the main App for runners in pre-organised events, taking over from MyOMaps Club
Strava Upload
A foreground notification has been added to the Notification Bar (top of the screen) so that reliability of recording in the background is improved on newer versions of Android..
20171005: Release 40.0 MyOMaps, MyOMaps Club and MapRun (Android)
Release 6.0.1 (iOS)
Summary – Score events can be >99 mins; KMZ and KML files exported by Google Earth now usable directly without passing the latter through Google Maps; Road names now hidden in all cases for Event mode; A Waikato Rogaine score option has been added (ScoreW), User Agreement and Help screens have been improved and a function to export the underlying SQL database of GPS points has been added. PIN expiry time is now UTC. Results files are now separate for MyOMaps and MapRun. Various bug fixes.
Added new Score type “W” (Waikato Rogaine). This is the same as “Q” with the addition of a 10 min blackout period for controls 9xx at the start and end of the allowed time. (and these controls are 100 points)
Improved End User Licence Agreement; and improved “About”, “Help” Screens
PIN expiry time/date is now UTC so the App and Server apply this consistently across timezones
More specific error message on entering User details – the specific field in error is named
Score Events can now be longer than 99minutes (was already the case in iOS)
Improvements in handling variants of KMZ files; and KML files produced directly by Google Earth (and not just Google Maps)
Database Export Function – Exports the SQL database of points to the Downloads folder for transferring off the device for analysis of the data with SQL database tools.
MapRun – now has a menu on the home screen with a range of functions eg – remove cached events, export database; help etc
Android Only (was already the case in iOS) Unique Results Folders - To date, all variants of the App (MyOMaps, MyOMapsClub, MapRun) have saved their results and tracks in a shared folder. This has been changed to be App-specific so that users with more than one variant of the App installed will see only the relevant results and tracks in the relevant App.
Moving old tracks to the new version: If you have old tracks and results – and want to view them in this version: Use a file manager on your device to move the .gpx and .csv files from a folder: MyTracks/gpx to a folder matching the variant of the App you are using ie myomaps/gpx or myomapsclub/gpx or maprun/gpx. You can create these folders yourself (matching the name exactly), or after your first run/track has been saved in the new version, the folder will have been created automatically and your MyTracks folder will remain un touched.
Bug fixes:
Road names hidden in Event mode. With some settings road names showed through the orienteering map from the underlying Google Map – this has been corrected. The default Google background map is NONE.
Fixed the issue where occasionally a message about punching a control would get “stuck” on the screen
Fixed issue where on Android 7 the App was not applying the penalty for late completion correctly
Fixed crash if you went to “My Results” before you actually had any results
Summary – Score events can be >99 mins; KMZ and KML files exported by Google Earth now usable directly without passing the latter through Google Maps; Road names now hidden in all cases for Event mode; A Waikato Rogaine score option has been added (ScoreW), User Agreement and Help screens have been improved and a function to export the underlying SQL database of GPS points has been added. Various bug fixes including 32-bit iPhone PIN.
Added new Score type “W” (Waikato Rogaine). This is the same as “Q” with the addition of a 10 min blackout period for controls 9xx at the start and end of the allowed time. (and these controls are 100 points)
Improved End User Licence Agreement; and improved “About”, “Help” Screens
PIN expiry time/date is now UTC so the App and Server apply this consistently across timezones
More specific error message on entering User details – the specific field in error is named
Database Export Function – Exports the SQL database of points to the Downloads folder for transferring off the device for analysis of the data with SQL database tools.
Improved the initial zoom level and focus on the Start Triangle
Export track from the MyTracks Screen
The main menu now has an item to show all tracks recorded on this phone, and a share button allows these to be exported eg via email or to iCloud.
MapRun – now has a menu on the home screen with a range of functions eg – remove cached events, export database; help etc
Bug fixes:
Road names hidden in Event mode. With some settings road names showed through the orienteering map from the underlying Google Map – this has been corrected. The default Google background map is NONE.
Improved some screen layout issues in MyTracks screens
Issue resolved where reloading a later version of an event of the same name did not overwrite the existing downloaded version
Options Menu Button MyTracks list screen fixed
Delete track fixed
Resolved issue where the PIN was not working for some event on older iPhones (32-bit models)
Removed the little flags that appeared over controls if tapped.
Fixed incorrect message format for PIN when there was no expiry date
Set the default GPS position to avoid null location error (set to Sydney)
Release 36.0 20170504 MyOMaps, MyOMaps Club and MapRun (Android)
Release 5.0.5 (iOS)
The free version of MyOMaps (Android) no longer has an expiry date. Instead it has been replaced with a new App "MyOMaps Club"
This "Club" version has all the features required to compete in an Orienteering Event, but is without the following features of the full paid MyOMaps version:
Release Club 31.0 20170204
Bug fixes relating to PIN codes and MyTracks mode without any course loaded.
Release Club 30.0 20170203
Home screen improved with clearer buttons and a background image
Line courses major upgrade:
- Now allows punching of any controls in the field with later determination of status (OK/MP/DNS)
- Allow for loops in line courses
Allows for co-located Start and Finish (At least one control needs to be punched before Finish is allowed)
Improved labelling of controls (including for loop controls and co-located S1/F1)
Supports scatter with a specific number of controls to be visited (eg 12/14/16 out of 20) determined by filename including a code: eg PXAS12 or PXUS12
Removes (hides) the ability to do a “Manual Punch”
For scatter and score events, controls now change colour to green after punching (to assist in determining the remaining controls for visiting)
Release Club 27.0
As used for MapRun initial series at New Farm Park Brisbane
Release - Club 26.0 and Play Store 26.0
Initial zoom level and location (centre of map; or on start triangle if a course is displayed)
Screen formatting improvements
- better scaling of font sizes
- headings and footers on tables
Added option to specify 1 sec recording interval
Improved reloading of results from saved CSV files
- bug in reload of total time corrected
- now recognises score events correctly
Release - Club Beta 15.0 20160616
Build with MapRun flavour
- MapRunners separate build of App
- Non expiring
- turned off Prompt on finish
- Remove manual punch button
- Filters to only show only events with names containing "MR" (for MapRun)
- MyTracks mode provides option for UTM coordinate display
- “Show Event” and “Start GPS” labels on buttons
- Control ID displayed after punch on Android should be control number - not sequence
- Control list of unvisited is now control numbers; not sequence numbers
- Scatter display on map shows only Control id - not sequence
- Fixed Server Backend - on results display for Score Events was listing all controls
- Display of "All Results"- now correctly displays score and non-score (splitsbrowser) results
Release Club Beta 12.0 20160306
Support for courses created in Condes.
Note that Condes can use WGS coordinates - but it does not add the Zone and Hemisphere details.
Insert the following line as line 3 in the XML file (with the correct Zone number and Hemisphere: North/South)
<!-- coordinate system: UTM / WGS 84 Zone 55 South-->
Release Club Beta 11.0 20160113
Increased size of control circles and line thickness for increased clarity.
Other minor bug fixes
Release Club Beta 10.1 20151031
Score Events - That is, gain the maximum number of points in a fixed time by visiting as many controls as possible.
Events can be locked with a PIN - The organiser can require that a PIN be entered to view the course. The PIN can be made to expire at a set time, so that no PIN Is required after that time.
The organiser can pre-set the mode that runners must use - that is Course or Scatter and Auto or Manual Punch. In this case the selector for Course/Scatter on the main screen is locked.
These features are set by codes in the event (or course) file name. If the course file name contains:
Fixed error where in MyTracks mode where exported GPX tracks were being saved with a file name created for an event.
"MyTimes" has been improved. If the event name on server had been created with a different name to the course file name - then MyTimes was not finding the results. This has now been corrected.
Release Club Beta 7.1 20150709
Loads events (Map and Course) in one step
It is still possible to load a particular map or course from the context menu
Saves results locally and the "My Times" button shows the Map/Course/Track and Times
Results can be uploaded later, after review from the the "My Times" view
Release: App Store v 3.0 (Club Beta 4.3) 20150314
“All Times” button to show all results uploaded to MyOMaps from recent events (Splitsbrowser format eg Tabular and Splits Graph)
The GPS track is now automatically labelled with the map, course, runner details
Improvements to manual punching
Accepts a wider range of KMZ file formats (including OpenGIS)
Improved error handling
Release: Club Beta 3.9 (20141204)
In MyTracks mode improvements have been made to avoid accidental pausing/stopping of track recording:
- Pressing the "Pause" button now leads to a request for confirmation (and recording continues in the background whilst this dialog is displayed
- Pressing the Back-Arrow button, in previous versions, cleared the map overlay, this has now been changed so that the map remains loaded
In Orienteering Event mode:
- A bug has been removed which was resulting in the map and course selections being forgotten when the screen switched between portrait and landscape modes
- In "User Punch" mode - the punch button now works as:
- short press - normal punch (which can be pressed repeatedly)
- press and hold until beep and vibrate, does a Manual (forced) punch.
Release: Club Beta 3.5 (20140914)
Modes of Punching
Results Published Automatically to RouteGadget
Other Changes
Google Play v1.2 (20140707)
Release: Beta 3.3 (20140630)
Release: Beta 3.2 (20140607)
maprun becomes the main App for participants in events:
- Now supports all event types: Score, Scatter, Line Course that were otherwise only available in MyOMaps
- Includes the ability to easily upload your track to your Strava account
- Orange warning message to make it very clear that Start has not been visited; and other controls will not beep/vibrate unless Start has been visited.
- The finish has been streamlined to finish immediately without a prompt for confirmation (Android change to match existing iOS)
- Makes it more difficult to accidently exit the event while you are running (Android)
- Extra Scoring schemes added ScoreN and ScoreG
- Improved results display menu which separates Score Results from Splits.
MapRun is now the main App for runners in pre-organised events, taking over from MyOMaps Club
- MapRun now supports all the formats previously only supported by MyOMaps: Score, Scatter and Line courses
- MapRun now has a menu item on the home screen to access and record GPS tracks (MyTracks mode of MyOMaps)
- Reduced the likelihood of not punching Start before running off on the course
- Large orange warning shown alerting the runner that they have not punched start
- The App does not beep/buzz at controls if the Start hasn’t been punched.
- BackArrow is now disabled on the main running screen. To exit, visit the Finish Control or kill the App. This is to avoid accidentally abandoning your run. (Android only)
- The finish is punched immediately as you approach the finish even if you haven’t visited all controls. There is no confirmation dialog. The implication is: Don’t go near the finish until you want to finish. (This has been the case for iOS to date)
- ScoreV – the bug has been fixed relating to not correctly determining the score event duration
- ScoreG and ScoreN added
- All Score modes now include the logic that if the event time is set to zero (eg ScoreV00), no time penalty is appli
Strava Upload
- After uploading your result, you have the option to also send you track to your Strava account. There are menu items to allow login/logout of you Strava account.
- The menu for results display now separates into three items: local results on the phone; score results on the server; splits results on the server. Display of all runners tracks is still available from a desktop device from
A foreground notification has been added to the Notification Bar (top of the screen) so that reliability of recording in the background is improved on newer versions of Android..
- Removed some unnecessary logging
- Direct connect to repositories jcenter(); mavenCentral(); maven { Google} for library code
- Updated tools to Android Studio 3.0, compileSdkVersion 26, buildToolsVersion '26.0.2'
- The minimum supported version is now SDK 17 - Android 4.2 Jellybean (The minimum was previously SDK 15 - Icecream Sandwich 4.0.3
- Automated Testing Frameworks added for automatic testing
- Default course display in MyTracks move now shows controls but not course lines
- Format of Start and Finish times in Results CSV changed from from mmm:ss to HH:mm:ss
- Fixed crash when backarrow from Results Listing
- Fixed bug where events with a sub-set name may have matched the wrong results in the results listing due to the use of “contains” rather than “equals”
- Fixed bug - Results were not showing green controls for scatter unless we were in “eventMode” from having just run in an event – due to this flag not being set as we entered the results view.
- Changed display of "last control visited" to not be in brackets (for a scatter/score).
20171005: Release 40.0 MyOMaps, MyOMaps Club and MapRun (Android)
Release 6.0.1 (iOS)
Summary – Score events can be >99 mins; KMZ and KML files exported by Google Earth now usable directly without passing the latter through Google Maps; Road names now hidden in all cases for Event mode; A Waikato Rogaine score option has been added (ScoreW), User Agreement and Help screens have been improved and a function to export the underlying SQL database of GPS points has been added. PIN expiry time is now UTC. Results files are now separate for MyOMaps and MapRun. Various bug fixes.
Added new Score type “W” (Waikato Rogaine). This is the same as “Q” with the addition of a 10 min blackout period for controls 9xx at the start and end of the allowed time. (and these controls are 100 points)
Improved End User Licence Agreement; and improved “About”, “Help” Screens
PIN expiry time/date is now UTC so the App and Server apply this consistently across timezones
More specific error message on entering User details – the specific field in error is named
Score Events can now be longer than 99minutes (was already the case in iOS)
Improvements in handling variants of KMZ files; and KML files produced directly by Google Earth (and not just Google Maps)
Database Export Function – Exports the SQL database of points to the Downloads folder for transferring off the device for analysis of the data with SQL database tools.
MapRun – now has a menu on the home screen with a range of functions eg – remove cached events, export database; help etc
Android Only (was already the case in iOS) Unique Results Folders - To date, all variants of the App (MyOMaps, MyOMapsClub, MapRun) have saved their results and tracks in a shared folder. This has been changed to be App-specific so that users with more than one variant of the App installed will see only the relevant results and tracks in the relevant App.
Moving old tracks to the new version: If you have old tracks and results – and want to view them in this version: Use a file manager on your device to move the .gpx and .csv files from a folder: MyTracks/gpx to a folder matching the variant of the App you are using ie myomaps/gpx or myomapsclub/gpx or maprun/gpx. You can create these folders yourself (matching the name exactly), or after your first run/track has been saved in the new version, the folder will have been created automatically and your MyTracks folder will remain un touched.
Bug fixes:
Road names hidden in Event mode. With some settings road names showed through the orienteering map from the underlying Google Map – this has been corrected. The default Google background map is NONE.
Fixed the issue where occasionally a message about punching a control would get “stuck” on the screen
Fixed issue where on Android 7 the App was not applying the penalty for late completion correctly
Fixed crash if you went to “My Results” before you actually had any results
Summary – Score events can be >99 mins; KMZ and KML files exported by Google Earth now usable directly without passing the latter through Google Maps; Road names now hidden in all cases for Event mode; A Waikato Rogaine score option has been added (ScoreW), User Agreement and Help screens have been improved and a function to export the underlying SQL database of GPS points has been added. Various bug fixes including 32-bit iPhone PIN.
Added new Score type “W” (Waikato Rogaine). This is the same as “Q” with the addition of a 10 min blackout period for controls 9xx at the start and end of the allowed time. (and these controls are 100 points)
Improved End User Licence Agreement; and improved “About”, “Help” Screens
PIN expiry time/date is now UTC so the App and Server apply this consistently across timezones
More specific error message on entering User details – the specific field in error is named
Database Export Function – Exports the SQL database of points to the Downloads folder for transferring off the device for analysis of the data with SQL database tools.
Improved the initial zoom level and focus on the Start Triangle
Export track from the MyTracks Screen
The main menu now has an item to show all tracks recorded on this phone, and a share button allows these to be exported eg via email or to iCloud.
MapRun – now has a menu on the home screen with a range of functions eg – remove cached events, export database; help etc
Bug fixes:
Road names hidden in Event mode. With some settings road names showed through the orienteering map from the underlying Google Map – this has been corrected. The default Google background map is NONE.
Improved some screen layout issues in MyTracks screens
Issue resolved where reloading a later version of an event of the same name did not overwrite the existing downloaded version
Options Menu Button MyTracks list screen fixed
Delete track fixed
Resolved issue where the PIN was not working for some event on older iPhones (32-bit models)
Removed the little flags that appeared over controls if tapped.
Fixed incorrect message format for PIN when there was no expiry date
Set the default GPS position to avoid null location error (set to Sydney)
Release 36.0 20170504 MyOMaps, MyOMaps Club and MapRun (Android)
Release 5.0.5 (iOS)
The free version of MyOMaps (Android) no longer has an expiry date. Instead it has been replaced with a new App "MyOMaps Club"
This "Club" version has all the features required to compete in an Orienteering Event, but is without the following features of the full paid MyOMaps version:
- removed Select Map; Select Course and Create Map from menu
- removed settings relating to: Map and Course File Location (defaults to MyOMaps server); Map Preferences (UTM cords diplay, trackcolour); Course Settings (Control Geo-positioning options); Sensor Preference (pairing with Bluetooth devices); Recording settings - GPS accuracy settings; autoresume time options (set to default 10mins)
Release Club 31.0 20170204
Bug fixes relating to PIN codes and MyTracks mode without any course loaded.
Release Club 30.0 20170203
Home screen improved with clearer buttons and a background image
Line courses major upgrade:
- Now allows punching of any controls in the field with later determination of status (OK/MP/DNS)
- Allow for loops in line courses
Allows for co-located Start and Finish (At least one control needs to be punched before Finish is allowed)
Improved labelling of controls (including for loop controls and co-located S1/F1)
Supports scatter with a specific number of controls to be visited (eg 12/14/16 out of 20) determined by filename including a code: eg PXAS12 or PXUS12
Removes (hides) the ability to do a “Manual Punch”
For scatter and score events, controls now change colour to green after punching (to assist in determining the remaining controls for visiting)
Release Club 27.0
As used for MapRun initial series at New Farm Park Brisbane
Release - Club 26.0 and Play Store 26.0
Initial zoom level and location (centre of map; or on start triangle if a course is displayed)
Screen formatting improvements
- better scaling of font sizes
- headings and footers on tables
Added option to specify 1 sec recording interval
Improved reloading of results from saved CSV files
- bug in reload of total time corrected
- now recognises score events correctly
Release - Club Beta 15.0 20160616
Build with MapRun flavour
- MapRunners separate build of App
- Non expiring
- turned off Prompt on finish
- Remove manual punch button
- Filters to only show only events with names containing "MR" (for MapRun)
- MyTracks mode provides option for UTM coordinate display
- “Show Event” and “Start GPS” labels on buttons
- Control ID displayed after punch on Android should be control number - not sequence
- Control list of unvisited is now control numbers; not sequence numbers
- Scatter display on map shows only Control id - not sequence
- Fixed Server Backend - on results display for Score Events was listing all controls
- Display of "All Results"- now correctly displays score and non-score (splitsbrowser) results
Release Club Beta 12.0 20160306
Support for courses created in Condes.
Note that Condes can use WGS coordinates - but it does not add the Zone and Hemisphere details.
Insert the following line as line 3 in the XML file (with the correct Zone number and Hemisphere: North/South)
<!-- coordinate system: UTM / WGS 84 Zone 55 South-->
Release Club Beta 11.0 20160113
Increased size of control circles and line thickness for increased clarity.
Other minor bug fixes
Release Club Beta 10.1 20151031
Score Events - That is, gain the maximum number of points in a fixed time by visiting as many controls as possible.
Events can be locked with a PIN - The organiser can require that a PIN be entered to view the course. The PIN can be made to expire at a set time, so that no PIN Is required after that time.
The organiser can pre-set the mode that runners must use - that is Course or Scatter and Auto or Manual Punch. In this case the selector for Course/Scatter on the main screen is locked.
These features are set by codes in the event (or course) file name. If the course file name contains:
- ScoreQ45 - The event is a score event (scatter) for 45 mins (in this example). The points for a control are the control number rounded down to the nearest multiple of 10 (eg Control 43 is worth 40 points); and the penalty for a late finish is 30 points per minute or part thereof (eg 2.5 mins late is a penalty of 60 points).
- ScoreV30 - The event is a score event (scatter) for 30 mins (in this example). Each control is worth 10 points and the penalty for a late finish is 10 points per minute or part thereof.
- PZ - a PIN is required to view the course
- PZ followed by hour and date - a PIN is required to view the course before that time eg 1412102015 means a PIN is required until 14:00 (ie 2pm) on 12 October 2015. After that time no PIN is required.
- PXAS forces Auto-Punch Scatter mode
- PXUS forces User-Punch Scatter mode
- PXAC forces Auto-Punch Course mode
- PXUC forces User-Punch Course mode
Fixed error where in MyTracks mode where exported GPX tracks were being saved with a file name created for an event.
"MyTimes" has been improved. If the event name on server had been created with a different name to the course file name - then MyTimes was not finding the results. This has now been corrected.
Release Club Beta 7.1 20150709
Loads events (Map and Course) in one step
It is still possible to load a particular map or course from the context menu
Saves results locally and the "My Times" button shows the Map/Course/Track and Times
Results can be uploaded later, after review from the the "My Times" view
Release: App Store v 3.0 (Club Beta 4.3) 20150314
“All Times” button to show all results uploaded to MyOMaps from recent events (Splitsbrowser format eg Tabular and Splits Graph)
The GPS track is now automatically labelled with the map, course, runner details
Improvements to manual punching
Accepts a wider range of KMZ file formats (including OpenGIS)
Improved error handling
Release: Club Beta 3.9 (20141204)
In MyTracks mode improvements have been made to avoid accidental pausing/stopping of track recording:
- Pressing the "Pause" button now leads to a request for confirmation (and recording continues in the background whilst this dialog is displayed
- Pressing the Back-Arrow button, in previous versions, cleared the map overlay, this has now been changed so that the map remains loaded
In Orienteering Event mode:
- A bug has been removed which was resulting in the map and course selections being forgotten when the screen switched between portrait and landscape modes
- In "User Punch" mode - the punch button now works as:
- short press - normal punch (which can be pressed repeatedly)
- press and hold until beep and vibrate, does a Manual (forced) punch.
Release: Club Beta 3.5 (20140914)
Modes of Punching
- There are now two modes - "Auto Punch" (as before) and "User Punch". The latter requires the user to touch the Punch button at each control
- Manual punching logic has been improved in all combinations of course/scatter and auto/user punch
- The default event type is now a User Punched Course
- The scatter 8/12/16 course types have been removed
Results Published Automatically to RouteGadget
- MyOMaps now links to a RouteGadget backend. For events that have a matching RouteGadget Event, the splits and GPS track are automatically loaded to RouteGadget when the user touches "Save Results"
- Backend changes have been made to ensure CSV files are processed before the corresponding GPS file; and an error was fixed where a non-matching file was blocking processing of other files
Other Changes
- The users name is now shown on home screen, and user details can be edited from there
- User details now includes an email address
- When selecting maps or courses from the MyOMaps server - only the relevant files are shown (eg maps are not listed when loading a course)
- The User Agreement has been updated to make explicit that name, times and GPS track will be published on the internet if the user selects to save results
- Fixed occasional crash after uploading results, on slow network connections, where the activity in the App had finished before saving the file was completed.
- Moved the messages about which control has been visited to the bottom of the screen to avoid clashing with other messages
Google Play v1.2 (20140707)
- Increased the width of the course line between controls
- Changed the algorithm used to place controls (where Eastings and Northings are contained in the XML file). A better method has been used to determine Lat and Lng – giving more accurate control placement
- Fixed bug which resulted in the loss of labels on controls when screen was refreshed
Release: Beta 3.3 (20140630)
- Increased line width (the course line between controls)
- Fixed a bug that resulted in the loss of labels on controls when screen was repainted ..
- Changed the algorithm used to place controls (where Eastings and Northings are contained in the XML file).
- A better method has been used to determine Lat and Lng – giving more accurate placement of controls.
Release: Beta 3.2 (20140607)
- Fixed crash upon initial install if Map and Course file location was not set before attempting to load a file
- The App now remembers the last folder used to load a file and returns to that folder to load the next file (eg after loading a map file from a particular folder, loading a course file starts from this folder) – for local file system and MyOMaps Server (but not GoogleDrive at this stage)
- Sort order of directory listing
- A course file in XML v3 format or a course file that does not contain a valid course now gives an appropriate error message
- The code is now Proguarded and compressed for faster execution.
- Saves created maps (KMZ) files to a folder: MyOMapsCreated on the MyOMaps server (when the server is set as the desired file location)
- The “Save Results” button on the Results screen now:
- Saves the gpx track and splits results to local storage on the phone, and
- If there is an internet connection to the MyOMaps server.
- On the MyOMaps server, the results are automatically merged with other results for that same course to create a combined OE Results file for loading to Winzip or Splitsbrowser etc.
- Results can be downloaded from:
- Reads Google Maps (new version) XML correctly (not just “Classic”)
- Fixed crash where after finishing an event, you visited a control while viewing your race results
Release: Beta 2.1 (20140413)
Original beta release
Original beta release